Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Politics and MY money

So, a few minutes ago I donated money to the Obama campaign.

Including today, I have only donated to a political campaign on three occasions.

The first was years ago to Don Nichols for US Senate. The guy was a tool as I later learned but I really wanted one of his t-shirts for some reason. It is in a box at the back of a closet here somewhere I think.

The second time was to a friend of mine, Joe Dorman, when he was running for a seat in the OK State House of Representatives. I went to college with the guy and we were room mates for awhile. He's not a tool. I also did not get a t-shirt. I suddenly find this fact interesting...

The third time was a 25 dollar donation to the Obama for President campaign.

Why did I do it?

Of the three candidates - Obama, Clinton, and McCain - who are still contenders I believe Obama offers this country the best hope of actually moving in a new direction.

Anyway, this isn't meant to get all preachy. I just felt like making a statement.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

8 Random Things About Me...

So, I got tagged by Charles French to do an "8 Things..." posting somewhere. The first thing (the zeroth item?) I should say is that I HATE WRITING ABOUT ME! This is why I'm probably doomed as a blogger. But anyway, and without further ado..


8 Things About Me you Probably Didn't Know!

I have never been on a third date.

Whenever I hold someone’s baby I begin to itch. I believe that I would break out in hives if forced to hold the child too long. I never plan to test this.

In high school I drove a Datsun B210. My friends dubbed it the Smut-mobile and my locker at school was dubbed the Smut Hut. This was in spite of the fact that my addiction to porn would not manifest for at least another decade.

I had a crush on the same person from 7th grade all the way through my senior year in high school. Nothing ever came of it.

When watching TV or listening to the radio and something strikes me as funny I laugh, out loud. On the rare occasions when I have house guests, they always seem to find this fact odd.

I have a half sister. We do not speak.

I am sick and tired of living in Dallas. After 11+ years I’ve come to the conclusion that it is a nice place to visit but a pretty awful place in which to live. It is unlikely that I’ll be moving away any time soon.

In my mother’s house there is stored a clarinet and a tenor saxophone. I played both back in junior high school. I haven’t picked either up since choosing the football team over the band when I was in 10th grade.


And there you go.

Monday, March 10, 2008

First Post!!

OK... blogging again. But not really.

I doubt I'll keep up with this blog. But occasionally I need to let several unrelated folks know the same bit of info. This blog will be for that.

Or, who knows? I might get into this and crap. Stranger things have happened.

Not likely though.